The concept of a "degree" or "certificate" in nine, 18, or even 24 months has always sounded suspicious to me. Particularly from so-called schools that are guaranteeing a bright future for a bunch of slackers who don't want to bother with real college, but want to reap the benefits of a degree. I say that because these schools, these "techinical" or "trade" schools, promise students not only jobs, but jobs paying $30,000 upon completion of a certificate or associate's program. Guaranteed job placement, they boast. Well here's news for those folks: you may not get that much in your first job with a four year degree. And that's taking a big leap of faith that you'll land a job at all.
As I watched the segment on 60 Minutes last night about a federal investigation prompted by lawsuits former students and employees filed because they'd been ripped off by subsidiaries of the for-profit Career Education Corp., I heard nothing but violins. They'd been fed the dream of big bucks the easy way, and were angry at their gullibility. Students at the Brooks College (California) fashion design program were upset that they'd graduated the school with jobs folding shirts and upwards of $80,000 in loans. Similar stories were relayed from students at ITT and Katherine Gibbs School and several others.
Associate producer Jennifer MacDonald went undercover posing as a student interested in different programs at different CEC schools. She was told at one that choosing fashion design she "can make anywhere from hundreds of thousands to if you go up to be a designer." And when she showed interest in the medical assistant program at another school, the admissions specialist practically handed MacDonald a roster despite attempts to disqualify herself.
There's no selectivity in these schools, unlike colleges and universities, which require transcripts, recommendations, personal essays and sometimes interviews before accepting a student. As one former CEC employee said, "You need three things. You need $50, a pulse, and you’ve got to be able to sign your name. That’s about it.” I'm willing to bet anyone could walk in to ITT and say "I never finished 11th grade," and the admissions rep would reply "There's no better time to start over than now! Sign here on the dotted line!"
Be wary, is all I'm saying. If you're not willing to put in the four, six, twelve years it may take to earn a six-figure salary, you're only fooling yourself by thinking an associate's or certification program with "career placement" alone is going to open those doors. It takes hundreds of hours' worth of strained eyes, thousands of words written, boxloads of books highlighted and then experience in the field to get the big bucks. Most importantly, and this alone can sometimes push a person sans degree very far--you need ambition.
It's unfortunate that the education industry is mimicking the predatory ways of lending, entertainment and fashion by hawking dreams to dreamers. But the cliche became a cliche for a reason; if it sounds too good to be true, it usually is.
Monday, January 31, 2005
Cutting corners on the road to hell
Posted by
8:49 PM
Saturday, January 29, 2005
Updates and thangs
Hey there, long time no blog.
I've really got to keep this place up better. Put it higher up on my to-do list. Things are just a little maddening right now. The Buttercup is just a handful. Hi-larious, but extremely busy. So days are full of adventure, humor, and cleaning up. A lot. All the time.
Also on my list of things-to-do recently, I just submitted my entry for a local fiction writing contest. I've spent the last six weeks working on my story. Wish me well!
Plans are also in the works to enter another poetry contest. I've just been in a competive mood of late, lol.
And last, but absolutely not least, I'm getting ready for my big day. Soon I will officially be a Class of 2005 graduate. Updates are certain to come.
FYI: I am also an official gmail account-holder now. *cheese* (Of course, peeps who use my other email are always welcome to continue.)
Posted by
11:32 AM
Sunday, January 02, 2005
I only ask of you one thing.....
Dear folks:
First and foremost, Happy New Year!
I come to you today for a much-needed conference. Yeah, you could call me a bit squeamish regarding my loss of anonymity since entering the blogsphere. I haven't decided whether I'm comfortable enough to continue this so-called-blog. Granted I don't even write often enough as is. Not only am I accessible via this blog, that little invention called the business card also sends out my information when I hand it over to another party. I'm a pretty private, to myself person. I take in small groups of people at a time; however I couldn't count the number of people whom I know and who know my name. It's what happens when your byline is printed every week.
But I digress.... This conference is in response to the nature of emails from people who think they know me. As said before, I'm reticent about this whole all-access thing. So if someone should see my name or business card, or read this blog and think, "hey, I know her!"--that is okay with me. However, if that someone would like to contact me and find out if I am who he/she thinks I am, I only ask ONE THING:
Please do not email me with cryptic questions. Do not ask me who I am or where I've been or ask me to disclose anything about myself without first introducing yourself. It's a rule in the game I play 9-5: when calling to ask a person a whole bunch of questions, I must first identify myself and my business affiliation. Otherwise it makes people (like myself) feel invaded, defensive, and I'll even admit, paranoid.
Granted, as a good blogbuddy of mine knows, I have ventured into the whole idea of "reconnecting" with an old friend. It takes guts, and a lot of energy, to do. But as I said before, I always say who I am and why I'm calling before I go any further. Because, a person is going to be a little thrown off by a random message or phone call as is; no need to be all spooky and leave cryptic and suspicous information. Being honest upfront totally increases receptiveness, and lessens the chance that the person will think of you as a psycho.
That being said, I would on many levels like to continue this blog in 2005. Hey maybe even post more than twice a month, you know? This world we live in is strange enough on its own, with identity theft and the countless other wacky things people are capable of. Thus, should I continue getting messages from people who do not identify who they are but want to know a whole lot of stuff about me, the shop will close.
Until then, toodles!
Posted by
3:42 PM